Saturday, November 14, 2015

Thankful Linky

I'm joining other TpT authors to share what I'm thankful for. I write things I'm grateful for each morning in my journal and they range from the big stuff like family & health, to the small things like a cup of coffee or a beautiful sunrise. Today I'm sharing what I'm thankful for most, including how TpT has changed my life.

 First off, I'm so thankful for my job! I am so fortunate to work in a great school with amazing kids, families, colleagues and admin. I love working with kids and know what a difference I'm making. The kids are the #1 reason I do what I do. They are so funny and sweet and even on the worst days, I have the best job!

 TpT has really changed my life. I'm not rolling in the big $$ or anything, but it has made it easier to do things for my kids that used to be a struggle. Now I don't worry about buying them new cleats or if we can afford their out of state tournaments. It has also provided me with resources that have made me a much better teacher. I also cherish the friendships I've made and the opportunities to meet amazing educators from across the globe.

I've also been blessed to be able to travel, which is one of my favorite things to do! We've been able to take amazing family vacations to some really great places. These are the memories that I will always cherish.
Last, but not least, I'm so grateful to my family. These people support me, listen to me talk incessantly about my job, encourage me to follow my dreams and celebrate my accomplishments (no matter how small). These people have shaped me and I love them all!