Thursday, February 6, 2014

Running Out of Time

Yesterday it started to snow around noon. The kids were so excited! You see, here in the desert, we don't get a whole lot of snow. In fact, we've been in a drought, so while the rest of the country is complaining about it, we're loving it! We went on a field trip to UNM to see a performance and had to walk across this playing field to get to the theater. The kids found "The Biggest Snowman in the World" and just about flipped out to see it up close.
Note how little snow there actually is?

Also, due to the fact that we live in the desert, we are not well equipped to handle the snow (or any precipitation for that matter) so we had a two-hour delay today and my daughters' district cancelled school altogether. There may have been an inch. Maybe.
My kiddos normally arrive at 9:00 so today they showed up at 11:00 which is just in time for lunch. My morning plans had to be scrapped so we focused on math for the majority of the day. This week we have been working on telling time. I've been using It's About Time by Amy Lemons (love her stuff!) and supplementing with a few of my own things. Some of the stations I set up this week can be seen below:
The kids really love math stations and it gives me a chance to teach new games, practice new skills or do informal assessments at my station. My principal observed me during stations last week and noted how diverse the stations were and how engaged my students were. Whew! I love that she said "engaged" when all I saw was "overly excited". I try to incorporate different activities each week so that they don't become stale. Here's how I store my centers:
It's nothing fancy, but it is practical. I also made a Telling Time QR Code Task Card Set. It's only $2! I have a few other QR code task card sets in my TPT store as well (addition, subtraction, money, fractions, etc.). The kids love scanning QR codes to check their answers.

It is supposed to snow again tonight and chances are that we'll have another delay tomorrow. Well, I better head out so I can take my youngest to soccer practice. Don't worry, they play indoors!

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