Hey Suzy- I just emailed Melissa about a bloggy meet-up this Friday at the Corrales Flying Star. My email is chevalier.amy@gmail.com Please email me and I'll tell you the time. Thanks!
I have read Gone Girl- actually twice! I read it when it first came out and the re-read so I could talk about it with my daughter! I did like it. Right now I am reading "Falling Together" by Marisa de los Santos . I am liking it- so far!
Hey Suzy- I just emailed Melissa about a bloggy meet-up this Friday at the Corrales Flying Star. My email is chevalier.amy@gmail.com Please email me and I'll tell you the time.
I have read Gone Girl- actually twice! I read it when it first came out and the re-read so I could talk about it with my daughter! I did like it. Right now I am reading "Falling Together" by Marisa de los Santos . I am liking it- so far!